A blog by the students of ANTH 311/CSWGS 333

Author mbj2

We should focus more on how men suffer from masculinity

It took me a very long time to actually realize that while women have a very distinct gender experience, men do too. Literally everyone does. I think that a great deal of work could be done to deconstruct patriarchy by… Continue Reading →

I want men to do housework, but also for it not to matter

As a woman and feminist, I value “gender equality” very highly. Over time, however, I have come in and out of different definitions of what gender equality is. At first, it was “anything you can do, I can do to.”… Continue Reading →

It is a (white male) privilege to walk in a straight line

This is a personal anecdote about the pervasiveness of white hegemonic masculinity; the intersection of masculinity with race; and coming to terms with my own white privilege. In the ninth grade, I became aware of a simple but highly frustrating… Continue Reading →

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